*Phrase means "Hello!" in Sindarin (elvish language)
Hope you've enjoyed your stay in The Magickal Garden so far! We are the Fairy Keepers from Singapore, and we'd love to bring you around this beautiful garden of ours. We've kept this secret space for garden visitors who want to feel the magic in this modern world, so unleash your imagination and feel the Fairy Magic with us!
Since 2016, we've been gathering Magickal Stones and mythical fairy crafts from our wild travels. Many of our crafts are natural and handcrafted, so have fun exploring our Fairy Dressing Room and Fairy Garden! You'll be amazed by the great treasures the Garden Fairies have hidden in there.
Enjoy yourselves, and we'll see you at our Fairy Fairground very soon! Along the way, please keep a look out for our Garden Fairies who have made this place their lovely home :)
*Phrase means "Farewell" in Sindarin (elvish language)